Episode 6: Mona Lisa Smize
This week we watched a real Sherman sisters fave: Mona Lisa Smile, starring a bunch of apple-cheeked angels who look like they could be related to us. Here are a few notes:
- We were taught to say Modigliani's name incorrectly (as we suspected)
- Katya helpfully provided a side-by-side of MGH and Jeanne Tripplehorn for you to peruse. Which one's which?
- It's Marina Abramovic, not Maria Popova. Whoops.
- Jackson Pollock's No. 5 sold for $165.4m at Sotheby's, not Christie's (my bad). At the time of the purchase in 2006, it was the most expensive painting ever sold. Now it ranks number 9.
- I'm p sure I at least saw Kim Chi and Willam doing spon-con for Pond's cold cream on insta. Here's Miss Fame removing her makeup with it.
- Honestly, who comes up with this stuff?
Bitch, who told you about me and William Holden?
Lindsay's take: I mean honestly, what's not to like? I loved this movie in 2003 and I love it now. I give it 5 out of 5 Venus of Willendorfs.
Molly's take: Look, this isn't Revolutionary Road. She's not trying to get an Oscar but I LOVE HER. 5 out of 5 paint by number Van Goghs.
Next week we'll be watching another banger from Lindsay's high school days: Chicago. Watch it on Netflix to refresh your memory, if you're so inclined.